
About Us 


Temple Emanu-El is always welcomes new members, including Jews by birth, Jews by choice, and interfaith families. Join us for prayer services, Shabbat Kiddiush lunches, monthly potluck dinners, children and adults learning, programs and events. 

You will find that our congregants are not numbers on a page. They create Temple Emanuel's Mishpachah.

For information about membership and an application, contact the synagogue office by email, telephone, or mail at:

1031 Manzanita Lane
Reno, Nevada 89509

or by telephone at 775 -825 -5600


The History of Temple Emanu-El

  On June 17, 1917, local Jewish leaders met and formed a committee to raise funds for construction of what was to become Nevada’s first synagogue, Temple Emanu-El. Broad community support from Jews, businesses, politicians and those of other faiths, (including a $25 donation from the local Baptist Church) provided construction funds.

 We worshipped at our first synagogue from 1921 until the early 1970’s, when we moved into a newly constructed synagogue at 1031 Manzanita Lane. This building remains our home, and since 1988, home to one of Nevada’s Judaica libraries.

 The Jewish community of Reno is proud of its wide-ranging contributions to the State of Nevada over the past 130 years. And Temple Emanu-El is one of our great accomplishments, continuing to serve our Conservative congregational community for nearly a century.


 It shall be the mission of Congregation Temple Emanu-El to meet the diverse spiritual, religious educational and social needs of its members within the framework of Conservative Judaism and to further the causes of the Jewish People and the State of Israel.


Volunteer opportunities abound at Temple Emanu-El. It's a pleasure to have help with programs, events, and cooking in our spacious kosher kitchen.

If you wish to volunteer, enjoy participating in services or have suggestions for lectures and speakers, we'd love to hear from you. 

Call 775-825-5600.

Our Holocaust Scroll

From Czechoslovakia to Reno. Sefer Torah #1142 is on permanent loan from the Memorial Scroll Trust to our congregation. The scroll is an orphan from an unknown town in Bohemia- Moravia and one of the 1154 surviving the Shoah.  Click here to read more and to see the Sefer Torah.

100 Year Celebration Moments

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    Temple Emanu-El Board of Trustees President Alan Liebman presented Centennial Celebration party Chair Sue Edmondson with a beautiful bouquet. Emcee Idora Silver stands by. Sue said she appreciated the flowers but the real thanks went to all those who made the party possible — the planning team, volunteers, congregants, community members and those who traveled to attend.

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    Temple Emanu-El Board of Trustees President gave a moving speech about the synagogue’s history. But he couldn’t resist adding a bit of humor. He said there was rumor that he was at the original groundbreaking at 1921."Despite appearances, that's just not true! I wasn't even in Reno in 1921."

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    Centennial Celebration party Committe members Iris Frank and Idora Silver take a moment to breathe after setting up the raffle and silent auction tables before the guests poured in.

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    Temple Emanu-El Board of Trustees member Steve Hirsch did an excellent job of selling raffle tickets.

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    All eyes were forward as the videotape of Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. inspiring talk played. Many guests asked that it be posted on our website and it is!


Photos by AB Custom Photography

100 Year Celebration Video

In case you missed any of Dr. Rachel Remen's talk at the 100 Year Celebration

here's your opportunity to enjoy her thoughts and wonderful stories.

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